Do you need to use a bag stand? Some types of archery bag targets come with their own stand while others have straps where you can install an independently purchased stand. In cases where you do not need a bag stand, then the second option will be best for you. However, it is advisable to purchase a bag with its stand since you never know when you might need to use the stand.
Be careful on whether to choose archery bag targets or block targets. The two types of targets have striking similarities hence one may easily make a mistake of purchasing one instead of the other. However, the two may have small differences that may inconvenience you if you make a mistake in your selection. Block targets are mostly meant for light shooting where the arrows do not penetrate by a great extent. Therefore, using such a type of target for heavy crossbow shooting means a shorter term of service. Bag targets are better suit for greater impacts.
Different bags are made to handle different types of arrows. Some bags are meant to handle broad heads while other are meant to handle normal headed arrows. Those suitable for broad headed arrows are made of a slightly heavier and durable material than those meant for light arrow shooting. Therefore, you can choose the most appropriate type depending on the type of arrow you mostly use.