Red: red emergency lights mean there is a serious emergency situation that has to be responded very fast. So, if other drivers and pedestrians see it flashed on your vehicle, they will immediately let you through to help you come quickly to the scene. It is effectively used by emergency responders who have to get somewhere really fast.
Amber: unlike other colors, amber light bars signify that something potentially dangerous is lying ahead. It sends caution to the rest of the road users heading toward that situation. This is why these bars are often found next to traffic accidents and on huge vehicles like tow trucks or snowplows. Thus, amber light bars are very useful for those who are giving support during dangerous situations on or near the road.
Blue: blue emergency lights are heavily regulated and typically belong to law enforcers. One can see them in police cars and police bikes but they can also be used on ambulances and fire engines. Without the right permits and credentials, one can’t just use blue light on their vehicle. For those who are given permission to use it, they have the authority to get to wherever they have to be in any means necessary.
White: normally, white light is intended for visibility reasons only. It does not signify any intense emergency situations, unlike the other colors. It is commonly used by emergency vehicles that are stationary. The brightness alerts people to their presence and can be used to light up nearby signs that they need to read.