The floor roller conveyor is a continuous belt with wheels. The belt is looped around the material, and the wheels are attached to the belt so that the material can be pulled or pushed. The benefits of using this type of conveyor are increased productivity, reduced costs, and unparalleled creativity while writing content for different use cases.
Here are four ways to make sure you install them properly.
Avoid Exceeding Conveyor CapacityIf the conveyor belt is overloaded, the belt and the products it is transporting will be damaged. The belt will also become dirty, which can lower its efficiency of the belt.
The solution to exceeding conveyor capacity is adding more conveyors and/or modifying the conveyors to work together. It can be costly, but it is most effective.
Lubricate Spring Balanced Gate SpringsFor spring-balanced-gate springs, the most common lubricant is oil. The oil is applied to the spring's outside diameter where the gate is mounted. Some manufacturers recommend that this be done with an oil can.
Spring-balanced gate springs are often used in conveyor belts. They are used to reduce the tension on the belt when it is not being loaded. This is to prevent the belt from stretching and wearing out over time. They also help eliminate belt noise and vibrations.
Bolt Conveyors To The FloorBolting your conveyor belts to the floor helps to keep them from moving around and getting caught on objects. This, in turn, helps to keep your products from getting damaged and makes your products move more smoothly down the line.
If the conveyor is free, it will be difficult to maintain its position and lead to accidents. If it is bolted down, it will not move around, and if there are any accidents, the person will be less likely to get hurt.
Increase Conveyor Speed GraduallyIncreasing conveyor belt speeds gradually is more efficient because it prevents the product from being dropped or thrown off the belt. Plus, it avoids belt tearing, which can take so much time to replace. Lastly, it preserves the motor’s health too.
Get The Best Conveyors from The Most Dependable ManufacturersYou can always count on us at Norpak Handling to provide you with the best conveyors and designs for all your logistical needs. Contact us today to learn more about everything that we can do for you.